Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Home Remedies for Controlling, Repelling, Getting Rid of Moles….Why Don’t They Work?

There isn’t a lot of home remedies that truly work at solving problems.  Usually they stem from something someone tried years and years ago and it spread to being from tried to working…Kind of like the sentence game many of us have played.  Take a line of 20 people and tell the sentence to the first one in line quietly and have him repeat the same sentence to the next person in line and by the 20th person it usually isn’t exactly what it was when first said.  Many of the home remedies you hear about for removal of moles are just not worth trying.  Juicy Fruit Gum for moles…doesn’t work..moles have teeth that are designed to eat meat…they don’t have molars to chew with and can’t chew the gum let alone try to swallow it…It doesn’t work….Or how about using your car or an engines exhaust hooked up to a hose and “pumped” into the ground.  A mole can travel 80 feet per minute in tunnel already dug so when they sense the gas coming in the tunnel they know their tunnel system like we know our roads and head to other areas of the tunnel and likely head to the one that goes deeper where safety is….gas, especially hot gas like exhaust goes up……not down….the mole waits til the gas fumes are gone and then comes back up.  How about human hair in the mole runs…moles don’t know humans and hair isn’t going to deter them.  Broken Glass….the only thing that broken glass does is cut my hands if I am not wearing gloves when setting mole traps.  Castor Oil spread on lawn will remove moles is a big myth.  Castor oil makes the ground stink for a couple inches…the mole just goes deeper until it wears off and comes right back up…it doesn’t chase the mole away.  Grub control for mole control does nothing since the primary food source of moles is worms…NOT grubs.  How about windmills…the vibration actually brings worms to the surface and in turn attracts moles not repels them.

The correct solution to get rid of a mole is trapping them..That is what we do at TRapper’s Wildlife Control….We guarantee to kill moles and run the service of trapping them.  Visit for more information..  Visit our FAQ page on moles…Watch the Mole Video Page and under the Wildlife Tab click on the Mole Page and you will learn more about this fascinating creature called The Mole

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