Friday, June 5, 2015

Why is it that some people have moles in one lawn but next door other people dont?

This is a question I get asked alot. There are actually a few answers. Number 1 is the food source.. Your lawn may contain a higher count of earthworms and other insects and the moles are staying there because of that.  Number 2 could be your lawn is moist and easier to dig in or already has a mole tunnel network existing from the last mole that was in the lawn the last time. Number 3 is that he just hasnt explored beyond your boundaries yet. Moles are always digging new tunnels and the longer they are allowed to exist in your lawn the more extensive the tunnel system will be.

Calling TRapper of Trappers Wildlife Control is the best way to remove thosr moles and voles from your yard.  He uses traps and is extremely effective in the capture of moles quickly. or (515) 257-0470 call or text is fine