Sunday, April 19, 2015

To Try Poison Worms Or Not To Try Poison Worms for Moles…That Is The Question

Ever since the “mole killer” worms came out known as Talpirid, many of the pest control companies added mole control to their array of services. I mean…how hard can it be…just take the poison, gummy worm look alike and place it in what may appear as an active mole run, charge $300 to $500 for the service because it is a “poison”, then come back to re check the lawn in a week and be down the road to the next sucker in line.  One thing is for sure, no company can put a guarantee on a dead mole.  I have personally caught many, many moles in yards where the poison worm has been used.  The moles just don’t eat it like they advertise they do…Moles like fresh and live meat…They get their water more from the biological makeup of the earthworms, insects, and grubs that they eat…a poison worm is more like a dead worm doing nothing but sitting there and really does not offer a tasty meal.  Some common names for the “poison” worms are Motomco Mole Killer and Talpirid like mentioned above.

At TRapper’s Wildlife Control, we can guarantee a dead mole because we get to see that dead mole.  Also if you pay TRapper’s Wildlife Control $300 to $500 for a mole control program, that means we caught at least 4 to 8 moles that were doing damage in the lawn.  Many times customers only have a couple moles doing the damage.  An average acre of lawn will have 3-5 moles active in it.

TRapper doesn’t like the poison worms for one other reason and it is the biggest one of all.  First and Secondary Poisoning.  One talpirid poison worm has enough poison in it to kill one medium size dog. Say a mole happens to eat the worm, dies, and then a dog….YOUR dog, digs up the mole and eats the mole…what happens to your dog is called Secondary Poisoning.  But The BIGGEST reason TRapper hates the poison worm is because of small children.  Most have had gummy worms before and I have to ask…If you took a talpirid or motomco poison worm and set it down beside a candy gummy worm and offered it to a 1-4 year old kid…would they know which one is bad?  Granted the poison worm should be underground and hidden but what happens if one doesn’t make it all the way underground?  TRapper personally believes this is an accident waiting to happen, unfortuneately. 

Mole Trapping is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to control moles.  Dead moles are Guaranteed and with TRapper’s Wildlife Control’s NO Risk Mole Trapping Service, You do not pay a dime until results are given in the form of a body of a dead mole, Period.  No Money wasted and you have peace of mind the mole can no longer do any more damage.  Visit my website at and click on the green “Mole Trapping Service” button to see the prices as well as service details. Call TRapper today to be on your way to a mole free lawn.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Get Rid of the Grubs and Get Rid of the Moles, Right? NOPE, Not Right

Time and time again I hear over and over how people think that the primary food source of moles is white grubs or just grubs in general. Somehow through the periods of time, this biggest myth has made its way through the ranks. If you tell someone something over and over enough soon you begin to believe it even though you really don’t know if it is the truth or not.

So that brings us to the million dollar question…Do Moles Eat Grubs? The answer is YES they do however it is not their primary food source. Grubs to a mole is like going to a fine restaurant and earthworms (which is what they eat primarily) is like going to the buffet. The mole will pick the buffet over the fine dining anyday as he gets more food plus the earthworms are more readily available. Many studies have been completed the last 20 years and all studies have shown that the moles primary diet is the earthworm …..Not The Grub. Grubs are only usually found just about 2-5 inches below the surface of the ground beneath the grass and go dormant during the winter time and since the mole does not hibernate, if it depended on grubs to survive then you would no longer have a mole issue YEARS ago. Earthworms just go deeper when the ground freezes and the mole has the ability to breathe in smaller oxygenated areas…so it follows its food deeper since digging in frozen ground is impossible for the mighty little animal.

So why do people advertise grub control for mole control? So they can make the almighty dollar and it isn’t many times that these companies know the truth…I believe they are misled like many of you and just going with the flow. Trapper’s Wildlife Control kills moles daily on yards that have been treated for grubs in the Des Moines, Ankeny, Pleasant Hill, Johnston, Waukee, Urbandale, Clive, Adel, Ames areas of IA. I find earthworms in 100 percent of those lawns…and only find grubs in about 10 percent of those same lawns.

One way to test your lawn for grubs is to take a small shovel and dig down about 5 inches and pull out a plug of dirt about the size of a small bowl. Sift through the dirt with your fingers to see if you find grubs…do this in about five points of a lawn which being the north, south, east, west, and middle. If you locate grubs, treat for them as they are not good for your grass but will do nothing to control moles.

If you have a bad mole problem and you need help… and contact Trapper through that page to be on your way to being mole free. Trapper does not charge a set up fee and runs a No Risk Mole Trapping Service…meaning if he does not trap the moles, then you don’t pay a dime


The “Biggest” Mole Trapper In Central IA

Joshua “TRapper” Jones